Tubasanyukidde or Welcome!

I've taken on many challenges in life; keeping a goldfish alive for more than a week, successfully eating entire pints of Ben & Jerry's in a single sitting, and managing to survive my first two years of college. Now I take on the daunting task of keeping a blog during my one month stay at Amagezi Gemaanyi Youth Association (or for those of who have no idea how to pronounce that... AGYA), an educational community center in Kampala, Uganda.

While this is mostly is to keep my dad from pulling a Liam Neeson in Taken, it hopefully will provide some entertainment for those of you (aka my family and the people I pay $5/hr to pretend to be my friends) tired of watching Sex in the City re-reruns, bored at your internships, or sick of looking at the same newsfeed on facebook. Well, you've been warned.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Today's the day!

My first inspiration to go to Africa -->

After a lovely weekend celebrating the fourth with friends and family, today I finally embark on the nearly two day trek to Uganda! It's been years of dreaming and months of anticipation that this day would finally come. The past few months have been filled with many looks of concern and questions. Is it safe? Are there any Starbucks? What are you really doing? Do plan on bringing back a husband?

Yes it is safe. No Starbucks, although, coffee is there number one export (yesss!). I'll be teaching classes and workshops and volunteering at local elementary schools and orphanages. And you guessed it Grandpa, Kigongo and I plan on getting married at the end of the month (we want to see if our online relationship will be able to stand on its own once we finally meet).

Jokes aside, I'm ecstatic that today has finally come and that by July 7th I'll have made it to Uganda! Enough for now, I got to take me some malaria medicine!!

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