Tubasanyukidde or Welcome!

I've taken on many challenges in life; keeping a goldfish alive for more than a week, successfully eating entire pints of Ben & Jerry's in a single sitting, and managing to survive my first two years of college. Now I take on the daunting task of keeping a blog during my one month stay at Amagezi Gemaanyi Youth Association (or for those of who have no idea how to pronounce that... AGYA), an educational community center in Kampala, Uganda.

While this is mostly is to keep my dad from pulling a Liam Neeson in Taken, it hopefully will provide some entertainment for those of you (aka my family and the people I pay $5/hr to pretend to be my friends) tired of watching Sex in the City re-reruns, bored at your internships, or sick of looking at the same newsfeed on facebook. Well, you've been warned.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Some pics

Hut from the traditional African Village of Kangulumila

An old Grandmother that we interviewed for the Documentary we are working on. Village of Kangulumila.

This was taken on our way to the traditional African Village of Kangulumila. This is the river that the people of Uganda believe a woman gave birth to about 70 years ago...they are dead serious too. When we asked them how do they now this is true they told us it was on the news...therefore must be true. Righhhttt.

The dump in between Nabulagala (the slum/village we are staying in) and Nakulabye (the village next to us)

The well we go to get our water everyday.

My bed is in the middle...you can tell by mah sheets. My bunk is for sure the smallest space, so if I don't hit my head getting into it then my ass hits the top. I have to fling myself vertically to get into bed.

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